Friday, January 13, 2006

A Test of Your Pedante Broadcast System (PBS)

Mostly this is just to find out if anyone would actually read a blog I made. Because let's be honest - I don't have time for your disinterest. So if you think you'd read about me (and yes, this can substitute for having to talk to me), let me know. But I might as well say something useful since we're all here.

For those of you that don't know, I'm currently on The Master Cleanser. The Master Cleanser was developed by a guy named Stanley Burroughs back in the early 1940s as a way to eliminate toxemia, which from a holistic perspective is the build-up of toxins that inevitably cause illness and disease. The basic idea behind the cleanse is that by eliminating foods for a short period of time, you make your body's digestion energy available to the process of detoxification.

Basically it's like a low-brow colonic (which Burroughs says are really bad for you). You drink only lemon water with organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper in it for 10 days, along with salt water and laxative teas to flush your system. At the end of the fast, you've kind of zeroed out your colon, and you can ease back into your normal diet, or become a vegan or raw foodist like Burroughs suggests.

Rayjax and I embarked on this together. He'd done a shorter version before and liked it, so I said ok. Mostly I am doing this to see what my mental and physical limits are. There are many things I'd like to accomplish this year, and if I can not eat for 10 days (PS eating is my absolute favorite thing to do), I am capable of doing it all.

Right now it's day 3 of 10, and I'm not really that hungry, but the desire for a different taste in my mouth in strong. I actually drooled on myself this morning when a Jack in the Box commercial came on. And I have a bowel movement tally that is staggering. I'm losing weight surprisingly fast, and if I keep it up, I may start to look like Christian Bale in The Machinist - 30 pounds of head on a wiffle ball bat. But more importantly, I might start to go a little crazy, as I've read some people have coming down off the fast. I'll keep you posted.


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